
In the Courts

Washington County Grand Jury indicts 27, including four in shooting

MARIETTA — The Washington County Grand Jury indicted 27 people Wednesday morning including four people for their involvement in a September shooting on Greene Street in Marietta that resulted in a woman getting shot in the face. The grand jury also indicted Beverly Police Chief Todd ...

Wood Magistrate

PARKERSBURG — The following cases were handled in Wood County Magistrate Court on Oct. 16: * Sarah Jane Cross, 709 South Spring St., Harrisville, pleaded guilty to DUI - driving in an impaired state, less than .15 BAC, fined $361.48 and sentenced to five hours in jail which was ruled as time ...

Wood Magistrate

PARKERSBURG — The following cases were handled in Wood County Magistrate Court on Oct. 11-14: * Casey Jay Cox, Washington, W.Va., had a charge of domestic battery dismissed without prejudice as the state has had no contact with the alleged victim. * Leah Denise Hartness, 1817 7th St., ...