“What has been used on one side, is lost on the other side. There’s no going back.”
Metaphor: a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. AKA: calling a thing something it is not…but kinda is at the ...
The fight over whether to appoint a Republican or a Democrat to the 91st District House of Delegates seat is a fascinating one for me, a former legislative staffer who nerds out on these kinds of questions. But we will have to wait until May for the matter to be decided.
I’ve had a story in ...
McKain-Davis Fishing Tool Company Began Business in 1908 – Product Has a Great Reputation Wherever Oil Fields are Located – The Company Will Soon Move to New and More Suitable Location.
The McKain-Davis Fishing Tool Company, of this city, is the ...
A friend shared with me a BBC article last week, cleverly headlined “Swede Dreams,” about something I had never heard of — sleep tourism.
Yes, apparently people will travel far and wide (and spend lots of money) in pursuit of a good night’s sleep.
In the BBC story, the reporter ...
It’s a frequently held assumption, often promoted by fossil-fuel interests, that in order to pursue a cleaner environment, we need to make sacrifices for economic development. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Recent events, internationally, nationally and locally, have put into stark ...
Research conducted by the nonpartisan, independent nonprofit organization OpenSecrets has shown that about 44% of the campaign funds raised to support Donald Trump’s bid in 2024 came from just 10 megadonors, including the world’s richest person, Elon Musk, who spent approximately $277 ...