
Local columns

Life Through the Lens: Life is often metaphorical

“What has been used on one side, is lost on the other side. There’s no going back.” *** Metaphor: a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. AKA: calling a thing something it is not…but kinda is at the ...

Reporter’s Notebook: House flipping

The fight over whether to appoint a Republican or a Democrat to the 91st District House of Delegates seat is a fascinating one for me, a former legislative staffer who nerds out on these kinds of questions. But we will have to wait until May for the matter to be decided. I’ve had a story in ...

Look Back: Parkersburg supplies tools to region’s oil industry

FISHING TOOL COMPANY FIRST IN THE STATE McKain-Davis Fishing Tool Company Began Business in 1908 – Product Has a Great Reputation Wherever Oil Fields are Located – The Company Will Soon Move to New and More Suitable Location. The McKain-Davis Fishing Tool Company, of this city, is the ...

Editor’s Notes: Book before you sleep

A friend shared with me a BBC article last week, cleverly headlined “Swede Dreams,” about something I had never heard of — sleep tourism. Yes, apparently people will travel far and wide (and spend lots of money) in pursuit of a good night’s sleep. In the BBC story, the reporter ...

Op-ed: What do Trump, cronies represent?

Research conducted by the nonpartisan, independent nonprofit organization OpenSecrets has shown that about 44% of the campaign funds raised to support Donald Trump’s bid in 2024 came from just 10 megadonors, including the world’s richest person, Elon Musk, who spent approximately $277 ...