

(Letter to the Editor - Photo Illustration - MetroCreativeConnection)

Because it’s getting close to Christmas and preparations for my 55th high school reunion are being made I thought of an old friend. She was my maid of honor over 53 years ago.

The last time I called her she had forgotten who I was because she was/is suffering from dementia. I thought if I made the trip to see her taking photos of us back in 1971 and of when we visited a couple years ago it might jog her memory. My husband and I went. She was polite but didn’t remember me. She recognized us in the photos and that they were taken in her living room but that’s as far as it went.

I had put off calling again, probably because I was afraid what I would hear. Last week I tried to call several times. I left messages with no return call from them. They have no children and she didn’t have any close family left. He has a sister or brother but I didn’t know how to reach them.

After telling my sister about the situation, she did a people search and found another phone number connected. I called and left a message. I made sure to include that she had been my maid of honor so they wouldn’t think it was a scam. My friend’s sister-in-law returned my call telling me the dementia had gotten so bad she would run away sometimes, she deleted phone messages, and was getting more difficult to care for.

My friend needs to go to a personal care home so her 80+ year old husband can live without constant worry. It’s not cruel to move her. She might be happier there with more people to care for her. That would allow her husband to enjoy the time he has left.

This disease, ailment, or whatever you want to call it robs the victim of memories and can suck the life out of their care givers. If you know of someone who doesn’t have family to check on them you might consider calling them. How about making sure they are OK?

In the Wood County area there is a program through the sheriff’s department called R U OK? to check on seniors or disabled people who live alone.

Bonita (Bonnie) Eaton


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