Well, all the excitement, simply called “The Holidays” is over. It’s cold outside with temperatures in the single digits. The sun goes down before most of us have supper. Wintertime is here. Before retirement, getting up each morning to leave for work in January and February was difficult ...
Most people born before 1955, the year the polio vaccine was introduced, can remember the fear of polio and the iron lung. Those born after 1979, the year polio was officially eliminated in the United States, have limited experience with polio but may remember stories of a friend or family ...
I see where Biden has commuted the death penalties of a whole lot of people, including some who murdered women and children. Why in the world would he do that?
The death penalty, as some argue, does not stop others from committing murder. It was never intended to be a deterrent. The death ...
It was reported on the news recently that California Gov. Gavin Newsom seeks initiating a program to allow foreigners to vote in local elections. Even foreigners who entered this country illegally are being issued drivers’ licenses, which will serve as an ID, and will be used to register to ...
This past week leading up to Christmas we watched a lot of Christmas movies. Some were about the reason we celebrate; the birth of Christ. Some were funny. Most of the movies I watched this year had to do with the magic of Christmas; sharing, caring, and loving one another. There’s the movie ...
God does not cherish fetuses or children.
God demanded the sacrifice of all firstborn livestock and sons. (Exodus 34:19) This requirement was just to remind people — the survivors — of God’s proud action against the Pharaoh, whose heart He had deliberately hardened (Exodus10:27), in ...