Contractors make it their mission to give Parkersburg veteran a new roof
- Bowser Construction and Owens Corning set up outside U.S. Navy veteran Russell Sams’ house located at 1613 Park St. Monday to install a new roof as part of the Owens Corning Roof Deployment Project. (Photo by Douglass Huxley)
- Crew members of Bowser Construction work Monday to install a new roof for U.S. Navy veteran Russell Sams as part of the Owens Corning Roof Deployment Project. (Photo by Douglass Huxley)

Crew members of Bowser Construction work Monday to install a new roof for U.S. Navy veteran Russell Sams as part of the Owens Corning Roof Deployment Project. (Photo by Douglass Huxley)
PARKERSBURG — U.S. Navy veteran Russell Sams is getting a new roof installed on his house thanks to Owens Corning and Bowser Construction LLC who have partnered with Purple Heart Homes to provide free roof replacements for military veterans in need through the company’s “Roof Deployment Project.”
“It’s just a way to say thank you,” Owens Corning Senior Area Sale Manager Dennis DeLong said. “Most of these contractors are small businesses within their community, so being able to give back in this way is huge for them.”
DeLong said the project is a nationwide effort to show gratitude and honor the veterans who served the country and the families who support them. He said since the inception of this program in 2016, more than 575 military members have received new roofs.
“It is incredible to have somebody actually care and do something to provide a service and do a good job, and care for you,” Sams said. “It is mind-numbing that they would take the time to help out a veteran like this.”
Sams said Bowser Construction had installed his current roof about 26 years ago and that he knew he needed to get a new one. He said he called Harlen Bowser, owner and operator of Bowser Construction LLC, and he said Sams would be the perfect candidate for the company’s Roof Deployment Project.

Bowser Construction and Owens Corning set up outside U.S. Navy veteran Russell Sams’ house located at 1613 Park St. Monday to install a new roof as part of the Owens Corning Roof Deployment Project. (Photo by Douglass Huxley)
“It’s an honor for us to help the veterans and thank them for their service. It means the world to us to be able to do this,” Bowser said.
The new roof, which comes with a lifetime warranty, will provide Sams with much-needed peace of mind and security in his home. Sams said he plans to use the money he’s saving to pay-it-forward.
“Whatever we save here will go to our church,” Sams said.
For more information on the Roof Deployment Project, or to learn more about how you can get involved, please visit
Douglass Huxley can be reached at