Living in the time of COVID-19 brings with it a range of emotions, none so prominent as anxiety. The COVID virus poses a threat to our safety, economic stability and way of life. And wherever there is the hint of a threat, you will find anxiety.
Anxiety is like an overzealous bodyguard whose one job is to protect us from threats. It does this by cranking up our worry along with muscle tension and energy level. This serves us well in motivating us to wear a mask, wash our hands and socially distance ourselves per CDC guidelines.
However, there is still significant uncertainty of when COVID-19 will be eradicated once and for all. This uncertainty can keep anxiety levels high. Anxiety is not a patient emotion. It wants the threat removed now! And for many of us heightened anxiety will persist until the threat is removed completely.
Here are some ways you can best manage your anxiety while we ride out the pandemic:
1. Accept the reality that anxiety will be louder during while the threat persists.
These are anxious times and trying to force anxiety to leave you in peace often backfires and increases your anxiety instead. This is like trying to force yourself to sleep when you have insomnia. It just makes it worse. Instead of viewing anxiety as your enemy, recognize that it is trying to help. If you look at anxiety as your enemy, then you will have anxiety about anxiety.
2. Practice self-compassion.
We are designed to be soothed by kindness and compassion. However, often when people are feeling anxious, they beat themselves up-labeling themselves as weak or defective, which just increases suffering. Instead, recognize that humans tend to be anxious creatures and we are living in anxious times. It is not your fault-nor a sign of weakness. Instead of beating yourself up, ask yourself how you would treat a loved one who was feeling anxious right now. Treat yourself the same way.
3. Maximize your sleep.
Even one poor night of sleep can increase your anxiety by 30 percent. Try to maintain a reasonable sleep schedule, going to bed and getting up around the same time each day. Keep your bed a news and technology-free zone. At the same time, don’t get perfectionistic about sleep. This will only serve to decrease your sleep quality.
4. Minimize your COVID-19 news intake.
Watching or reading about COVID-19 can be a sure-fire way to wake your anxiety up and get it howling at you to stay safe! Limit your news intake to trusted sources that gives practical suggestions of things you can do to stay safe and cope during the current crisis. Avoid repetitive news that just serves to raise your anxiety.
5. Eat healthy and limit substances that increase your anxiety.
Eating a healthy diet, when feasible, can reduce your anxiety level compared to diets high in sugar, simple carbohydrates and caffeine. Alcohol has been a popular way for some to cope with COVID anxiety, however, many people experience added anxiety the next day.
ve as exercise in reducing anxiety, depression and increasing a sense of well-being. Now is not the time to overdo it and injure yourself, but moderate daily exercise can be as effective or more so than some psychiatric medications. Even going for long walks (in nature if that is available to you) can be very therapeutic.
7. Take time daily to rev down your nervous system.
Don’t wait for anxiety to spike for you to take action. There are countless relaxation and grounding exercises that are readily available on free apps and internet videos. Mindfulness exercises such as meditation or yoga can help you become less reactive to emotional ups and downs. Breathing exercises can help soothe an overactive nervous system. Try a few different exercises and stick with the ones that work for you. Then sprinkle them throughout your day.
8. Live your life now rather than waiting in limbo for life to go back to “normal”.
I have spent the last month helping people struggling with COVID anxiety. One thing has been clear–those that are spending their days on the sofa watching the news while waiting for life to return to “normal” are struggling the most. Instead, try to find both pleasant and purposeful activities to bolster your daily routine.
9. Safely connect with other people.
Loneliness is very anxiety producing. Quarantine presents unprecedented social challenges. However, people are finding clever uses of technology to connect to friends, colleagues and loved ones. Reaching out to other people can decrease loneliness, anxiety and depression.
10. Let go of perfection.
There is no one right way to handle the stress of living through a pandemic. Be careful not to compare your own emotional internal ups and downs with external images and social media posts of people happily coping with wine and song. This is a difficult and messy time. If that is your experience, please understand that that is what normal life under a pandemic looks like. Aim for good-enough when it comes to coping and on days that you don’t achieve good-enough practice self-compassion. If you are having difficulty coping with COVID anxiety you can also find that most mental health therapists are using telehealth and it is easier than ever to have a therapy appointment in the comfort and safety of your own home.
It is also important to understand that our anxiety won’t immediately get back to normal once the government gives the all-clear signal. It may take some time for us to adapt back into lives surrounded by people in close proximity. It will take some time before sitting next to a coughing person on an airplane won’t lead to high anxiety levels. With time and patience, however, life eventually will settle into something that resembles normal.
Eric Goodman, Ph.D. is the author of the new book, “Your Anxiety Beast and You – A Compassionate Guide to Living in an Increasingly Anxious World” coming in May from Exisle Publishing.