
(Letter to the Editor - Photo Illustration - MetroCreativeConnection)
My husband Charlie and I watch a lot of TV in the evenings. Sometimes we watch cable channels but more and more we are streaming to watch shows at our convenience. Cable shows start and end at a scheduled time. As I’m sure you are aware, with streaming we can start any time, pause, or stop to resume when we choose.
I remember one thing about TV when I was little. Mr. Cartoon came on channel 3 at 5:00. About my earliest memory is when I was sitting on the floor in my underwear with a fan blowing on me to keep cool while watching his show. Charlie was lucky enough to be on the live set of the Pinky Lee Show. I don’t remember him. You may have even heard of the popular Howdy Doody Show. TV and movies have come a long way since then.
In the 50s, TVs were tiny in a large cabinet. Now it’s common to have TVs with flat screens from 30 to 100 inches. Actually, the whole world of technology has come a long way in 70 years. Phones changed from party lines to small cell phones with internet and cameras. Microwaves have been around for a while and there are new gadgets filling our kitchens all the time.
Although I am older, living in two centuries I have to keep learning new things, not from books like Math and English though. I have to learn which remote control, which app, my user name, and password to find my favorite old black and white movies or the latest block buster.
Think about all the changes that have come about during your lifetime. It can make a person feel old or make us feel really lucky to have things so modern and easy. What will they think of to invent next?
Bye for now,
Bonita (Bonnie) Eaton