
Everyone is flawed

(Letter to the Editor - Photo Illustration - MetroCreativeConnection)

I must say, even though he (Trump) is far from my ideal president, he seems to have hit the ground running and doing exactly what he said he was going to do, such as sending criminal illegals back to where they came from, ending transgender (there is no such thing as transgender) service members, doing away with the foolishness of DEI programs, and many others we will see in the days and weeks ahead.

Donald Trump is flawed, just like the rest of us. Donald Trump needs Jesus in his life, just like the rest of us. Donald Trump needs salvation, just like the rest of us. The difference between Trump and me is that I have accepted Jesus as my personal savior and Donald Trump has said in the past he sees no need to ask for forgiveness. That, my friends is a fatal error in his judgment.

Romans 3:23 says, “We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” We sin because we have a sin nature. It is just in us to sin and we do it almost all the time. “There are none righteous, NO, not one.”

Romans 3:10: Righteous living means living in a manner that is pleasing to God, ALL the time. Can you do it? I cannot. We try, but it is something we cannot accomplish because even though we are saved, we still sin. Yes, there are those, even some who write Sermons of the Week, who believe in sinless perfection upon salvation. Sounds nice, but just not true. Look at the two verses cited above. None righteous, no, not one. That means no one, no matter how “good’ you think you are, no matter how good other people say you are, we fail because we have a sin nature in us and it is from Adam. His falling in the garden kind of fixed it for all of us. But, Jesus, always perfect in all ways, came to Earth to fix the problem. The problem was sin. It took a perfect sacrifice to conquer sin. He was the only one who could pay a debt he did not owe and we who owed it could not pay it.

Don’t be like Donald Trump. Admit you are a sinner and accept Jesus as your personal savior and start living for him today.

Robert Sadler


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