
Only one can forgive

(Letter to the Editor - Photo Illustration - MetroCreativeConnection)

President Biden has issued a pardon to many people, namely his own family, Dr. Fauci, and others for crimes that they “MIGHT” have committed. Well, that seems a bit strange does it not? For someone to issue such a decree, Biden must think that all of those on his list have done something illegal. Why else would he do it if he did not think they are guilty of something? Of course, he thinks they did something wrong and is worried that all of his lies are going to come back and bite him.

That is the exact opposite of what is considered normal in our society. Taking away punishment before one is charged or convicted of anything is wrong. Does the pardon include murder and a whole host of other crimes and misdemeanors?

There is only one who can forgive before the act is committed. He is Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our forgiveness of sins. Past, present, and yes, future sins. Once we accept him as Savior, we are already forgiven and need only ask for forgiveness. It is that simple. Joe Biden is not Jesus Christ. His presidential pardon is only for acts in this life, in this world, and for a specific time.

Of course, some say this cannot be true, that no one, including God, can forgive something before it happens. Well, they are wrong and for us to act like we understand the mind of God just tells us how fallible we are. God’s thoughts are above our thoughts and his ways are above our ways. We cannot understand that, and I do not, but I believe and accept it as an attribute of God and not of man.

This sinful world, where we are born with a sin-nature, needs Jesus Christ. But many feel they are not that bad, that they are better than the guy down the street, and at the very least have not killed anyone. Is that the standard for heaven; that you are not a murderer?

No, on the other hand, we are not deserving of Heaven, but are most certainly deserving of eternity in Hell. But Jesus Christ died on the Cross for our sins, and by accepting him as Savior, makes it possible for us to avoid our earned punishment in Hell. Accept him today.

Robert Sadler


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