What’s your opinion?
Several people have told me they like the way I write my letters to the editor. I write each letter as I am writing to a friend. The editor reads it and shares it with you. Then you are able to read my letter and share it with someone you think might be interested. I’ve also been told reading one of my letters is like sitting down and talking with me. I write like I would to any friend I hadn’t seen for a while. I tell you what has been going on in my life. Sometimes I complain about things but it’s usually just a matter of fact, like getting old. I may not be totally happy about it but that’s the way life is so I make the best of it. Sharing my opinion is often part of my letters. I leave you with a question or something to think about.
I’ve discretely let you know my belief in prayer. Well, it’s happened again! After prayer my back has straightened quite a bit. You can believe it or not but there is definitely a change. I’ve been questioned, “What about the physical therapy you’ve been doing?” You have been wearing a brace a lot, etc. My answer to that is: If you ask for help, don’t you do whatever you can on your own also? For example, when I am at the grocery store and I want something on the top shelf, I ask a taller customer if they would please hand the item to me. Does that mean I have them do all my shopping? No, I get the things I can reach myself. I only ask for help when I need it. Same goes for prayer. I need to do what I am able to do in order to help my back problem myself. Then trust in prayer.
More than one concerned friend has asked me, “Why didn’t you ask to be healed?” I figure at my age I’m going to have something wrong with me so I’ll keep what I can live with. I only asked to breathe easier and not get discouraged. Each time I was given what I asked for and more.
You may think I’m preaching to you. I’m just telling you facts the way I see them. I’ve been writing to you for about 2 ½ years. I give my opinion and let you decide for yourself what you want to believe. What’s your opinion? My wish for you is that you be happy with who you are.
Bye for now,
Bonita (Bonnie) Eaton