What about the rights of the unborn?
Maybe the other writer has more “accurate” numbers about Planned Parenthood’s total of abortions versus the number of “health care” procedures performed. According to the writer’s info, what if it is “only” about 4.5% of total procedures. That is only some 392,000 little lives taken in one year. Wonder what the cost is for 392,000 abortions performed? If my research is correct, that would equal about $235,200,000, if the cost for an abortion is as low as $600. No small amount. If it is only 4.5% of total billing, then they make an extremely large sum of money per year, and it is not a money-making operation?
That is insignificant to Planned Parenthood and perhaps the other writer, but it is not insignificant to a Holy God. No, the Bible does not mention the words abortion, but it does mention child sacrifice. The Bible does not mention everything. Abortion is nothing new, no matter what word we use to describe it.
A person’s rights end when it interferes with the rights of another. An unborn child has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. How can it be happy if its life is taken by a woman wanting to control her own body, but by doing that she violates the right to life of the unborn child? An argument that the liberal pro-death group fails to address. They like to talk out of both sides of their mouths and only focus on the pregnant person, not the life inside her.
It is a sad world indeed, when society, which likes to feel it is so enlightened, fails to recognize that it embraces abortion, a long-time practice for thousands of years, that caters to selfishness on the part of the one with child, but not on the child.
God is not pleased with abortion and considers it a sin. But, if we just ask, forgiveness through the Lord Jesus Christ is possible. Same for any sin. Jesus died on the cross for forgiveness of sin, all of us, and all we need to do is confess it, ask for forgiveness, and accept him as our savior. It is easy. Do it today.
Robert Sadler