Much for which to be thankful

(Letter to the Editor - Photo Illustration - MetroCreativeConnection)
Many of you either know me or know of me as the guitar guy who performs the marketing for a local pizza company on the south side of Parkersburg. It is a job that I have been blessed to be at for over fifteen years. As Veterans Day approaches, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the veterans for their service to this great nation.
As a four-year Navy veteran, I am so proud to have been able to serve our country. I am so grateful to God to have been able to return home as many others have not and paid the ultimate sacrifice losing their lives in service to our country.
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends,” John 15:13.
I am so grateful for Downtown Bethel Church, for all that they have done and continue to do for me as well as for others in this community.
I would like to express my appreciation to all the restaurants in our community that provide a free meal to veterans on Veterans Day. Secondly, I would like to share a story of what my boss of over fifteen years, “Hatch,” did for me last year for Veterans Day.
First of all, he allows me to have Veterans Day off, and usually the day before he tells me “Thank you for your service” and reminds and encourages other employees to do the same.
Last year was really special as he had employees line up at the door forming two lines. As I entered the building through the door I had to walk the “gauntlet” of employees on each side of me. With my boss and all the employees standing at attention They saluted me as they played the song “Anchors Away” for me. They remained saluting me through the entire song. When the song ended all the employees came up to me and either shook my hand or fist bumped me, and one by one they said “Thank you for your service.”
Wow! That was such a powerful and humbling experience, as I will never forget that moment. I hope and pray that every veteran may experience something like this at least once.
Thirdly, I am so grateful for Westbrook Health Services and the three Tims for all they have done for me. When I first walked through the doors of Westbrook over a decade ago, I was a homeless veteran and an alcoholic in active addiction. Today, I have been sober for over ten years (11 this December, good Lord willing). I have integrated back into the community and I have had a home for many years. I would especially like to thank my case manager Tim Leach at Westbrook, who is a veteran himself. I know that he goes above and beyond serving his clients and he has a special place in his heart for working with and helping his clients who are veterans.
Finally, thank you to all of you who say “Thank you for your service,” to a veteran. I tell you that it is greatly appreciated. Special thanks to my girl “Leecee” and our dog “Buddy.” Most of all, I would like to thank God for everything! Thank you, fellow vets. Happy Veterans Day. God bless you all!
Mark Power