
Not what’s best for Vienna

Letter to the Editor (Graphic Illustration/MetroCreative)

I am writing in regards to a flyer being circulated during a meet and greet the candidate and on social media regarding the Vienna city election, the document was entitled (City of Vienna – Vetted Conservative Choice) which gave the misconception that the city of Vienna has vetted and endorsed a slate of candidates for election for the mayor and city council. This document does not say who endorsed it or paid for it.

This is simply wrong at many levels. It is deceptive to lead the voters to believe that some official entity vetted a group to be proclaimed as a conservative group, especially when at least two of those on the list have been known to be very liberal Democrats, who are most certainly not conservatives at any level.

Secondly, if this slate is elected, the city government will basically be controlled by two families. This is not the best for the operation of city government. Bodies such as this should be deliberative bodies with variations of opinions and not a special selected rubberstamp body of elected officials. This also provides no check and balance.

Not only is this a misleading effort by a handful of people, it is dangerous for our community. It is an insult to the voters who are quite capable of selecting candidates that represent their values and desires for the city.

The mayor owes the city an explanation as to who created this special list and who was responsible for vetting these candidates. The citizens have the right to know before they cast their vote for any candidate. This slate was designed to fill all seven slots on City Council. Slates may not be illegal, however most certainly are not in the best interest of everyday citizens but rather power and control by a few.

Ethel Harris


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