
High Points of the Valley

High Points of the Valley (Graphic Illustration)

* Wood County Schools students are fortunate to have so many educators who are willing and able to dedicate themselves to completion of the National Board Certification program — considered to be the highest standard for accomplished teaching. “Every student deserves to be taught by an accomplished teacher,” said Joanna Mulligan, Coordinator of Curriculum and Instruction. “It’s the highest certification a teacher may obtain. In addition to being the most respected one.” In fact, Wood County Schools recently honored several teachers who had either newly completed or maintained their certification. In addition, a group of educators also completed their two-year LETRS (language essentials for teachers of reading and spelling) program. “Not only did they make the personal investment in their professional growth, but through their new knowledge, they will make a lasting impact on the literacy development of every student they teach,” said Director of Curriculum and Instruction Ashlee Beatty. Improving one’s own skills while also teaching students every day is a level of commitment many are not capable of making. Students and their families are certainly grateful there are so many here who did.

* Though the event may have featured “The Return of the Mountain Monster,” Scouts from across the region still had fun at Camp Kootaga during this year’s Klondike Derby. “The theme added an extra layer of excitement to our competition,” said Alan Campbell, the event coordinator and scoutmaster for Scouting America Troop 20. “The Scouts engaged in various challenges that tested their skills in fire-building, knots, lashing, memory games and, for the first time ever, rifle and shotgun — a fun and unique addition to the event.” This year’s weather may have added even more authenticity (and challenge) to the annual event, but made participation all the more rewarding.

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