
Wood County BOE to hear presentation on potential school site

Vehicles and family members gather outside of Criss Elementary School to await students to be dismissed from school Monday afternoon. The Wood County Board of Education will be discussing a potential site for a new building that will consolidate Emerson Elementary and Criss Elementary schools at tonight’s board meeting. (Photo by Brett Dunlap)

PARKERSBURG — Members of Pickering Associates will be presenting a potential site for the the new elementary school planned for north Parkersburg to the Wood County Board of Education at 6 p.m. today at the board office, 13th and Plum streets.

Pickering will also be presenting building renderings and floor plans for the consolidated school that will house some students from Emerson and Criss elementaries.

The board will also hear a boundary attendance lines update for Hamilton and Jackson Middle schools and Martin Elementary for the 2025-2026 School Year by Assistant Superintendent of Academics and Leadership Justin Hartshorn.The board will vote to accept these new lines at a later meeting.

The board will also hear an update on the Parkersburg High School Stadium Bid from Assistant Superintendent of Operations Kaleb Lawrence and vote on the Williamstown High School restroom and concession contract with Phoenix Associates.

Also on the agenda is the approval of a new director of purchasing and a replacement for retiring Neale Elementary Principal Linda Brunicardi.

Vehicles and family members gather outside of Criss Elementary School to await students to be dismissed from school Monday afternoon. The Wood County Board of Education will be discussing a potential site for a new building that will consolidate Emerson Elementary and Criss Elementary schools at tonight’s board meeting. (Photo by Brett Dunlap)

The meeting is open to the public and will be streamed online.

Douglass Huxley can be reached at dhuxley@newsandsentinel.com

Vehicles and family members gather outside of Criss Elementary School to await students to be dismissed from school Monday afternoon. The Wood County Board of Education will be discussing a potential site for a new building that will consolidate Emerson Elementary and Criss Elementary schools at tonight’s board meeting. (Photo by Brett Dunlap)

Vehicles and family members gather outside of Criss Elementary School to await students to be dismissed from school Monday afternoon. The Wood County Board of Education will be discussing a potential site for a new building that will consolidate Emerson Elementary and Criss Elementary schools at tonight’s board meeting. (Photo by Brett Dunlap)

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