West Virginia officials plan medical cannabis signup in Parkersburg

PARKERSBURG –The West Virginia Office of Medical Cannabis will hold a public signup event for medical cannabis patients from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday at the Parkersburg Municipal Building, 1 Government Square.
To sign up, patients who have already been certified by a registered physician as having an applicable serious medical condition must bring the following items: completed patient certification form; driver’s license or state ID; proof of West Virginia residency, such as a utility bill; and a $50 patient ID card application fee, which must be paid by check or money order.
Patients who have not already seen a registered physician must bring the following items, in addition to the above: at least one piece of medical documentation that shows their diagnosis, such as medical records, a letter from a doctor, or office visit summaries; valid photo ID; two proofs of West Virginia residency for state registration; and cash, credit or debit to pay the $149 physician evaluation fee.
Patients who have a household income of 200 percent of the federal poverty level or less may apply for a waiver of the $50 patient ID card fee at the event. If a waiver is requested, applicants must provide their most recent W-2, paystubs within the last 30 days or proof of eligibility for low-income benefits.
Appointments are strongly encouraged and may be scheduled by calling 304-356-5090.
To date, OMC has received 3,862 patient applications for medical cannabis.
Patient cards are valid only in West Virginia. Registration does not mean medical cannabis products can immediately be obtained.
The West Virginia Medical Cannabis Act permits state residents with serious medical conditions to procure medical cannabis for certified medical use in the following forms: pill; oil; topical forms including gels, creams or ointments; a form medically appropriate for administration by vaporization or nebulization; dry leaf or plant form; tincture; liquid; or dermal patch.
In addition to the Parkersburg event, eligible West Virginians can register for a medical cannabis patient card at www.medcanwv.org. A list of physicians registered to certify patients as eligible for the use of medical cannabis is available on the website.