
Joyce announces access limits at municipal building, free bridge tolls

Memorial Bridge tolls will be free until further notice.

PARKERSBURG – Mayor Tom Joyce announced increased restrictions on city facilities this morning as efforts to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus continue.

Effective today, all city buildings are restricted for public access.

Employees age 65 and older and those with immunocompromised conditions have either been placed on paid leave or given the ability to work from home until further notice.

Critical staff – including police, fire and sanitation personnel – will continue to operate as normal, while continuing to practice protective and sanitary measures. Other staff will be placed on rotating schedules of two days on and three days off to maintain operations while maximizing social distancing.

The Memorial Bridge is open for free passage until further notice. All toll collectors have been placed on paid leave.

Municipal court proceedings are postponed until further notice.

All deliveries to the city building are being directed to Fire Station 1 on the first floor.

Read more in Tuesday’s edition of The Parkersburg News and Sentinel.

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