

Ethel (Channels) (Hill) Casto

Ethel (Channels) (Hill) Casto turned 101-years old on May 7, 2024. Ethel was married to Roy Hill (deceased) for 39 years and married to Gilbert Casto (deceased) for 25 years. She now resides at the Elizabeth Care Center.

She is the mother of Ron Hill, Melvin Hill (deceased) Darrell Hill, Teresa Murray and Janet Priselac. Step-children are Barbara Nichols, Robert Hill (deceased) Rick Hill and Gib Casto.

Ethel has 11 grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. She also has several step-grandchildren.

If anyone wishes to send a card, the address is 83 Little Kanawha Parkway, Elizabeth WV 26143. Ethel is currently the oldest living woman in Wirt County.

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