Editor’s Notes: Going full Griswold

(Editor's Notes by Christina Myer - Photo Illustration - MetroCreativeConnection)
In just a few days, most of us will be celebrating a truly magical holiday — full of joy and light. We’re celebrating the arrival of One who taught us to love and take care of one another, treat each other as we would want to be treated, judge not lest we be judged … you get the idea.
It was radical then and, as it turns out, it’s radical now.
We celebrate by giving each other gifts. And it really is better to give than receive. But giving gets trickier as the young people who have always been easiest to help Santa with are now too cool for anything but ridiculously expensive video games and a certain brand of shoe; and the older people on the list already have everything they need and are the kinds of people never ever to betray that they might WANT something.
Scented candles (again) for the win!
Those are simpler than successfully responding to “I just want us all to be in one place at the same time for a little while,” which is not easy in a family full of go-go-go people who almost literally have to begin coordinating next year’s gathering the day after this year’s.
But we’ll figure it out.
We also celebrate by decorating. Sometimes to great excess.
I was explaining to a co-worker that my Christmas decorating style could best be described as a 1980s Christmas throwing up all over the house. No white lights and greenery here. It’s tacky, it’s colorful, there’s no theme, just lights and ornaments and wall hangings and then a few more lights — everywhere.
I’ve even got a little chipmunk wearing a Santa hat, perched on a teeny stapler, which gets to spend about six weeks per year out on the computer desk. There’s an ankle sock in the shape of Santa Claus’s face, given by an elderly relative, which hangs out on top of the standing cabinet in the kitchen … with the gnomes.
The nativity scene is perched on the mantel beside three pieces of pop culture artwork that get scooted over for the season. But there’s a lot of green in them, so I leave them up.
From the outside things look relatively classy and minimalist. You’d never know you’re about to walk into a house where the decorations include an inflatable in the dining room.
What?! It’s festive.
Once I finished describing my holiday interior to my co-worker, she said “I haven’t even gotten a tree yet.” (This was just a couple of days ago.)
I withered a little. But then I have to remember I haven’t always gone this overboard for Christmas. Some years bring out the urge to celebrate more than others, and I have to bear in mind how fortunate I am to be in this hey-let’s-put-a-giant-reindeer-with-bells-in-its-antlers-on-that-wall state of mind.
Some of us are in a fanfare of trumpets and chorus of angels zone, some are looking for more a “Silent Night” vibe. Both are exactly the right way to approach the holiday.
However you’re celebrating this year, I hope there is comfort and joy; and that it is a very merry Christmas.
Christina Myer is executive editor of The Parkersburg News and Sentinel. She can be reached via e-mail at cmyer@newsandsentinel.com