
Homeowners: Federal assistance is waiting to be used

In a state that is routinely listed among the most dependent on federal tax dollars, it is easy to understand why some would hesitate to seek help that is available when they need it. In a situation where the money is already here, that can be a wrong-headed attitude that does more harm than good in the long run.

One such example is the West Virginia Homeowners Rescue Program, funded by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to assist West Virginia homeowners facing a financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic that began after Jan. 21, 2020, (including a hardship that began before Jan. 21, 2020, and continued after that date).

Jessica Greathouse, special programs manager for the fund, said the help provided could mean financial stability.

“Homeownership is really important, as is being able to keep a roof over your head and the lights on,” Greathouse told WCHS. “West Virginia has the highest homeownership rate in the nation. We know a lot of people need help and we have the money to help right now. I hope the future looks like people apply, we get them help and they are more financially stable.”

Yes, she is saying there is more money available than people applying for the help right now. That’s not a surprise in West Virginia, but it should be reversed quickly.

Those who are eligible “can get up to $20,000 of mortgage payment assistance and $5,000 in taxes, insurance and homeownership fees as well as $2,500 in utility payments,” Greathouse said, according to WCHS.

Eligibility is the key, of course, and those who are interested can find out more at wvhdf.com/west-virginia-homeowners-rescue.

Those who are eligible but hesitating should not let pride get in the way of saving their home and getting back on the right track.

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