
McKinley: Remove focus from Trump

PARKERSBURG — Bills on major issues facing citizens are taking a back seat in the House where the Democratic leadership is focused on 2020 and defeating President Trump, a congressman from West Virginia said Tuesday.

Despite the Mueller Report into the investigation of Russia interference in the 2016 election in coordination with the Trump campaign, neither determining a crime was committed nor exonerating the president, opposing sides have different opinions on the findings, Rep. David McKinley, R-W.Va., said.

“We’re never necessarily going to agree on this,” he said.

Democratic Party leaders in Congress are attempting to acquire Trump’s tax returns and subpoena former White House lawyer Don McGahn and other officials, including Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The result is the legislative process has come to a halt, McKinley said.

“Everyone needs to shut the burners off,” McKinley said.

McKinley was in Parkersburg for the annual Trump Dinner sponsored by the Wood County Republican Party. McKinley was the keynote speaker.

Unity of the party will be the main thrust of the speech and working together to re-elect the president, McKinley said.

The economy is doing well and the president through regulatory changes caused much of the economic boom, he said. That’s unlike under President Obama, who through regulation caused the loss of more than 80,000 coal mining jobs, McKinley said.

“We got to stick together,” he said.

McKinley, an engineer from Wheeling, toured industrial facilities Tuesday, including Hino Motors and Mr. Bee Potato Chips in Parkersburg.

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