
Wood County Democrats to pick secretary, fill vacancies at Feb. 6 meeting

(Graphic Illustration - MetroCreativeConnection)

PARKERSBURG — The Wood County Democratic Executive Committee will select a secretary and fill vacancies when it meets in February.

The meeting is slated for 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 6, at the Parkersburg Marietta Building & Construction Trades Drug & Education office at 2400 Garfield Ave., Parkersburg.

The secretary is responsible for keeping all records of the committee, keeping and signing all minutes and other certified acts, maintaining the committee’s official documents and referencing official documents when called upon to do so. In addition, the secretary calls to order and presides over meetings when the chair and vice chair are absent until the election of a chairman pro tem.

The secretary must be a registered Democrat in West Virginia who lives in Wood County but does not have to be a member of the executive committee. An officer who is not an elected member of the committee does not have a vote.

Terms are for four years until July 1, 2026, unless successors are elected before then.

As of Jan. 2, the committee also has 48 committee vacancies. Each precinct can have a male and female representative. The vacancies are in:

* A-1 male precincts – 8, 64, 69

* A-2 female – 10, 13

* A-7 female – 37A, 40, 49A

* A-8 male – 40A, 41

* B-4 female and male – 50, 51, 52

* B-7 female and male – 38, 56, 57, 57A

* C-3 female – 63, 67A

* C-4 male – 71, 71U, 74, 74C

* C-5 female and male – 74B, 74U, 78A

* C-6 female and male – 75, 77, 78

* C-8 female and male – 85, 87, 89

Nominations will be made at the meeting by executive committee members representing the geographical political subdivisions in their county. Members can self-nominate. Nominations do not need to be seconded.

When nominations are closed, the person making the nomination will have two minutes to speak in favor of their nomination. All candidates will have three minutes to speak.

Only members of the Wood County Democratic Executive Committee may vote. A roll call vote will be taken.

More information is available by emailing contact@wcwvdems.com or calling 304-236-1100.

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