WVU awards Tyler County educator an honorary degree

From left, WVU President E. Gordon Gee presents a Presidential Honorary Degree to David Riggle, a teacher in Tyler County, with WVU Faculty Senate Chair Diana Davis during commencement Dec. 21 at the Coliseum in Morgantown. Riggle teaches world history and special education math. (Photo Provided)
MORGANTOWN — A teacher in Tyler County has received a Presidential Honorary Degree from West Virginia University.
David Riggle was selected for his decade-plus of teaching in West Virginia. He is a graduate of West Liberty and teaches world history and special education math at Tyler Consolidated Middle School in Sistersville.
Riggle also is the head coach of the girls basketball team at Tyler Consolidated.
In his career, Riggle taught at Paden City High School where he was athletic director, the boys varsity basketball and track head coach, led the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports team and was president of the Faculty Senate.
He has also volunteered at the Marshall County Special Olympics as a coach for basketball, flag football and track for 20 years. Riggle also has received the Earle and Una Geisel Service Award.
The honorary degree was presented by WVU President E. Gordon Gee at commencement on Dec. 21. Also receiving a presidential Honorary Degree were Hoppy Kercheval, long-time host of “Talkline” on West Virginia Metronews, and Nitin Kumbhani, a software development and investment management executive.
Established in 1873, the degree recognizes an individual’s contributions that are important to the university and benefit the state and nation.