
Picture This: Ribbons of Steel

Traffic zooms over the Dodge Avenue rail crossing in Williamstown early one evening recently. The tracks run down the middle of Second Street between Williams and Highland avenues. If you have a recent photo that showcases the beauty of the Mid-Ohio Valley, submit it to Art Smith at asmith@newsandsentinel.com for possible inclusion on this page. See more photos at instagram.com/parkersburg.news.and.sentinel. (Photo by Art Smith)

WILLIAMSTOWN — Traffic zooms over the Dodge Avenue rail crossing in Williamstown early one evening recently. The tracks run down the middle of Second Street between Williams and Highland avenues. If you have a recent photo that showcases the beauty of the Mid-Ohio Valley, submit it to Art Smith at asmith@newsandsentinel.com for possible inclusion on this page. See more photos at instagram.com/parkersburg.news.and.sentinel. (Photo by Art Smith)

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