Bonnie’s Bus bringing mammogram efforts to Gilmer County

(Graphic Illustration/MetroCreative)
GLENVILLE — Bonnie’s Bus, a mobile mammography unit from WVU Medicine, will be in Gilmer County from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 at the Gilmer County Health Department.
For an appointment, call 304-462-7351.
The screening mammograms are billed to private insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare, if available. Patients who are underinsured or uninsured and meet enrollment criteria will be assisted in enrolling in the West Virginia Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program to cover the cost of their screening mammogram. Uninsured women living in West Virginia who are 40 and older can receive a free screening mammogram on the Bus through the generosity of grant funding and donations. A physician’s order is needed for a mammogram.
Made possible by a gift from West Virginia natives Jo and Ben Statler, Bonnie’s Bus is operated in partnership with WVU Hospitals. The bus is named after Jo Statler’s late mother, Bonnie Wells Wilson.