Worthington Women’s Golf Association awards prizes for June games

The Worthington Women’s Golf Association (WWGA) announced winners for June games at the recent July business meeting. Front row from left, Marsha Jackson, Coleen Wittig, Gaye Fife, Linda Lucky and Vicki Squires. Second row from left, Jeanne Chalfant, Paula Tewksbury, Ellen Knotts, Mary Ellen Eddy, Judy Langkamer and Lois Boise. Back row from left, Katie Parsons, Mary Ingram, Lori Butler, Patti Golden, Barb Payne, and Sandy Perrine. Winners not pictured: Mirtala Smith, Shelly Hess, Mina Applebaum, Carol Geletko, Mary Lopez, Dixie Arnold, Andrea Brock, Carlene Archer, and Linda Connolly. Also not pictured is Judy Holmes who recorded an eagle on hole #13. (Photo Provided)
PARKERSBURG — The Worthington Women’s Golf Association continues its 75th season of league play and awarded prizes to June games winners at its July business meeting.
June 18-hole play winners included: Mirtala Smith, Gaye Fife, Jeanne Chalfant, Katie Parsons, Mary Ingram, Shelly Hess, Marsha Jackson, Mina Applebaum, Mary Ellen Eddy, Carol Geletko, Mary Lopez and Coleen Wittig.
The June winners from the nine-hole players were: Lori Butler, Vicki Squires, Judy Langkamer, Linda Lucky, Ellen Knotts, Patti Golden, Dixie Arnold, Lois Boise, Barb Payne, Andrea Brock, Carlene Archer, Sandy Perrine, Linda Connolly and Paula Tewksbury.
Judy Holmes was also recognized for scoring an eagle on hole #13 on June 4. Witnessing this event were Carol Geletko, Gaye Fife and Mary Ellen Eddy.
Lori Butler, WWGA Chairwoman, announced the WWGA annual “Fun Day” scheduled for July 18 at the Worthington Golf Club had approximately 100 area women signed up to play. “Fun Day” celebrating the WWGA 75th year was an exciting and eventful day.
Lady golfers wanting more information about the WWGA may call the Worthington Golf Course.