
Vienna observes Flag Day

Vienna Mayor Randy Rapp and his grandson, Caleb Dawson, hold a 48-star flag Rapp said was given to him by his grandfather. Flag Day ceremonies were held Friday morning at the Gold Star Families Monument at Spencer’s Landing. (Photo by Jess Mancini)

VIENNA — Vienna held its annual Flag Day observance Friday morning at the Gold Star Monument in Spencer’s Landing.

“What a beautiful place to come to this early in the morning,” Mayor Randy Rapp said.

The program included the opening prayer and benediction by Pastor Bill Brown of the Vienna Baptist Church, the mayor and his daughter, Carrie Rapp, and grandson Caleb Dawson, who recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

Brown encouraged the audience to instill in their children and grandchildren about what the flag means and what it stands for, democracy and freedom.

“I thank you Lord for all that our flag represents,” he said.

Carrie Rapp reads “I Am the Flag” during the Flag Day observance in Vienna at the Gold Star Families monument. She is the daughter of Mayor Randy Rapp. (Photo by Jess Mancini)

Around the world, people recognize that the flag represents the United States and democracy, Rapp said.

“Our flag is still the symbol of freedom,” he said.

Carrie Rapp recited “I Am the Flag,” a theme of what the flag means.

Randy Rapp and his grandson displayed a 48-star flag before Alaska and Hawaii became states. Rapp said his grandfather gave him the flag.

“This flag is older than I am,” Rapp said.

Residents assemble Friday morning at the Gold Star Monument at Spencer’s Landing in Vienna for the annual Flag Day celebration. (Photo by Jess Mancini)

President Woodrow Wilson issued the first proclamation of Flag Day in 1916. Flag Day was formalized in 1949 by President Harry S. Truman.

The observance in Vienna was a family affair for Rapp.

“Without family, we have nothing to stand on,” he said.

About two dozen people attended the ceremony.

“See you all tonight at the Ice Cream Social,” Rapp said, referring to the annual fire department Ice Cream Social later in the evening on Friday.

Pastor Bill Brown of the Vienna Baptist Church provides the opening prayer Friday morning at the Flag Day observance at the Gold Star Monument at Spencer’s Landing in Vienna. (Photo by Jess Mancini)

Jess Mancini can be reached at jmancini@newsandsentinel.com

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