DHHR: Jackson County man reported dead from COVID-19
Staff Report
CHARLESTON — One death from the COVID-19 coronavirus in Jackson County was reported Tuesday morning by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources.
The 70-year-old man from Jackson County was the only death between Monday and Tuesday, the department said.
The death toll from the virus since the pandemic began more than three years ago was at 7,877 in West Virginia.
“Our thoughts go out to the family of this West Virginian,” Dr. Jeffrey H. Coben, interim department secretary. “Keeping up-to-date with COVID vaccination, including booster shots when due, is the best protection against existing variants.”
The state reported 726 active COVID-19 cases statewide as of Tuesday morning, 27 less than on Monday. Cases have been fluctuating up and down, but have generally been on a downward trend.
Another 258 new cases of the virus were received between the Monday and Tuesday reports, the department said.
Current active cases in local counties (previous day) were: Calhoun 0 (0), Doddridge 4 (3), Gilmer 0 (0), Jackson 12 (16), Pleasants 0 (0), Ritchie 6 (4), Roane 4 (4), Tyler 0 (0), Wetzel 4 (2), Wirt 2 (0), Wood 24 (21).
Six counties in the state are yellow, second lowest level to green on the County Alert System Map, which is based on infection rate and percent positivity. Grades in ascending order of severity are green, yellow, gold, orange and red.
All other counties in West Virginia are green.
Wirt County is the only yellow county in this region. Doddridge was yellow on Monday.
The state reported 239 patients are in a hospital with COVID complications, 28 of those in an intensive care unit and eight on a ventilator. Four pediatric cases with two in an ICU and one on a ventilator were reported.