
Registration opens for Ohio Polio Network Conference

Photo Provided Warren Peascoe in a power wheelchair.

PARKERSBURG — Registration is underway for the Ohio Polio Network Conference 9:30 a.m. Sept. 15 at Tuscora Park in New Philadelphia, Ohio, Warren Peascoe, president of the Mid-Ohio Valley Post-Polio Support Group of the Wood County Society, announced.

The cost is $25 for a polio survivor or $40 for a survivor plus attendant. A hot lunch is included. The support group is affiliated with the network, an association of polio support groups based in Ohio.

The scheduled speakers and topics are: Hallie Baker, associate professor in the Psychology Department, Muskingum University, on “Survivors of Polio and Their Families: Triumphs of the Past and Challenges of the Present and Future;” Dr. Roswell B. Dorset III, DO, board certified neurologist, Neurology and Neuroscience Inc., Akron, on “Medical Aspects of Post-Polio Syndrome: Symptoms, Progression and Treatment.”

For registration forms, call Brenda Ferguson at 330 671-7103. Forms can also be obtained from the network website, ohiopolionetwork.org. Completed forms, accompanied by payment, must be post-marked by Sept. 1.

Peascoe, a chemist with a doctorate and a survivor of polio, worked in the chemical industry for about 30 years until the late effects of polio forced him to take disability retirement. From childhood, he walked with braces and crutches. He reared a family, took part in water sports and was successfully employed. When he moved to Wood County, he had difficulty finding doctors able to treat the late effects of polio, he said.

Polio vaccines have eliminated polio in the USA.

After decades of a stable condition, polio survivors began to experience new weakness and pain. The new weakness and pain became recognized as post polio syndrome. In the 1980s the survivors began to organize support groups and conferences across the country to educate the public and medical professionals about the condition.

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