
Wirt County Fair to run Aug. 2-5

File Photo Dave Rose, left, tosses a cornhole bag in last year’s Wirt County Fair Cornhole Tournament on Saturday as Ron Steele looks on. The 2017 Wirt County Fair runs Aug. 2-5 at Camp Barbe in Wirt County.

ELIZABETH — The 2017 Wirt County Fair will be Aug. 2-5 at Camp Barbe on West Virginia 14 near Elizabeth.

The fair will feature four days of track events, entertainment, concessions, carnival rides and livestock programs.

Daily admission is $6 ages 3 and up and free for 2 years and under. A season ticket is $20 for ages 3 and up. On Aug. 3, senior citizens are admitted for $3 until 6 p.m.

More information about the Wirt County Fair is available online at wirtcountyfair.com.

This year’s entertainment includes Jim Forshey’s Salute to Elvis, Simply Bluegrass, Jake and Steve, Tom Roddey, Charlies Horse Band, Kurt and Kami Shultis, TRO and Tim Litvin.

The 2017 Wirt County Fair schedule includes:

AUG. 2

* 9 a.m.: Gate Opens

* 1 p.m.: Judging of Exhibits Begins

* 3 p.m.: Youth Contests; Livestock Show and Showmanship – Rabbits

* 4 p.m.: Carnival Opens

* 5:30 p.m.: Flag Raising and Dedication of the Fair

* 5:45 p.m.: Wirt County High School Band Concert

* 6 p.m.: Bingo; Registration for Truck Pulls (Track)

* 6:30 p.m.: Little Miss/Mister Wirt County Fair Pageant (Pavilion)

* 7 p.m.: Livestock Show and Showmanship – Hogs; Truck Pulls (Track)

* 7:15 p.m.: Miss Wirt County Fair Princess Pageant (Pavilion)

* 8 p.m.: Queen of the Fair Pageant (Pavilion)

* 11 p.m.: Carnival Closes

AUG. 3

* 9 a.m.: Gate Opens

* 3 p.m.: Youth Contests; Jim Forshey’s Salute to Elvis (Pavilion)

* 4 p.m.: Carnival Opens; Jake and Steve (Pavilion)

* 5 p.m.: Simply Bluegrass (Pavilion)

* 6 p.m.: Tom Roddey (Pavilion); Bingo; Registration for Truck Tug of War (Track); Livestock Show and Showmanship – Beef and Sheep

* 7 p.m.: Simply Bluegrass (Pavilion)

* 7:30 p.m.: Truck Tug of War (Track)

* 8 p.m.: Charlies Horse Band (Pavilion)

* 11 p.m.: Carnival Closes

AUG. 4

* 9 a.m.: Gate Opens

* 10 a.m. to noon: Enter Flower Exhibits

* 1 p.m.: Judging of the Flower Show

* 3 p.m.: Youth Contest

* 4 p.m.: Carnival Opens

* 5 p.m.: Registration for Garden Tractor Pulls (Volleyball Court)

* 5:30-5:45 p.m.: Registration for Mother-Daughter and Father-Son Look Alike Contest

* 6 p.m.: Bingo; Registration for ATV Drag Race (Track); Mother and Daughter Look Alike Contest (Pavilion); Garden Tractor Pulls (Volleyball Court)

* 6:15 p.m.: Father Son Look Alike Contest

* 6:30 p.m.: Livestock Sale

* 7 p.m.: ATV Drag Race (Track)

* 7:30 p.m.: Kurt and Kami Shultis (Pavilion)

* 11 p.m.: Carnival Closes

AUG. 5

* 8 a.m.: Gate Opens

* 9 a.m.: Corn Hole Tournament

* 9 a.m. to noon: Registration for Mud Bog (Track)

* 9-10:30 a.m.: Pretty Baby Contest Registration (Dining Hall)

* 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Pretty Baby Contest (Pavilion)

* Noon: Registration for West Virginia State Arm Wrestling Championships (Pavilion)

* 1 p.m.: Bingo; Carnival Opens; Horseshoe Pitching Contest; West Virginia State Arm Wrestling Championships (Pavilion); Mud Bog (Track)

* 3 p.m.: Youth Contest

* 3:45 p.m.:100 Foot Banana Split

* 4:30 p.m.: Registration for Kiddie Peddle Pull (Pavilion)

* 5 p.m.: Kiddie Peddle Pull (Pavilion); Carnival Closes

* 5:30 p.m.: Skillet Throwing Contest

* 6 p.m.: Haybale Throwing Contest; Carnival Reopens; TRO (Pavilion)

* 6:30 p.m.: Nail Driving Contest

* 7 p.m.: Watermelon Eating Contest

* 8:30 p.m.: Tim Litvin (Pavilion)

* 9 p.m.: Claiming of Exhibits

* 10 p.m.: Fireworks

* 11 p.m.: Carnival Closes

Starting at $2.99/week.

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