Memorial Bridge toll rates going up

Parkersburg Bridge Partners announced tolls for the Memorial bridge will be increasing on March 2. (File Photo)
PARKERSBURG — The price to cross the Memorial Bridge is rising. Starting on March 2, motorists with an MOV Pass transponder or EZ Pass will pay an additional 35 cents per trip, while the rate for those charged after their license plates are scanned will go up 85 cents, according to a press release from Parkersburg Bridge Partners. The toll for standard passenger vehicles equipped with a transponder had been $1 per crossing since the bridge reopened under the private ownership of Parkersburg Bridge Partners on Oct. 1, 2023. Before that, it was 50 cents for individual trips, though drivers could save by purchasing books of tickets to give to toll collectors. After Parkersburg Bridge Partners purchased the span from the city, they undertook an approximately $50 million rehabilitation project and shifted all tolling to electronic. Equipment either scans the transponder and charges the associated account or scans the vehicle’s license plate, causing a bill to be sent to the owner. The additional charge — $3.50 before the change, $4 now — is why the rate is higher for the pay-by-plate method, the company has said. The new rates on March 2 will be: With an MOV Pass or EZ Pass * Class 1 – $1.35 per crossing * Class 2 – $4.35 * Class 3 – $8.35 * Monthly unlimited – $40 a month (up from $30) Pay-by-plate * Class 1 – $5.35 per crossing * Class 2 – $8.35 * Class 3 – $12.35 Customers with questions can visit the Parkersburg Bridge Partners Customer Service Center at 2311 Ohio Ave., Unit E, Parkersburg; visit; or contact an account representative at 681-381-7634.